A Data Analysis project that analyses Airbnb data of properties in Sydney, Australia(as of 14 September, 2019). Users can fill in their requirements such as - room type(private/sharing), property_type and more to get a rough idea of nightly stay they could expect to pay.

Running the Application

First, install all requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next, run the script to setup the database and clean the dataset:

python3 setup_all.py -d

Set the JWT_SECRET environment variable to any string you like to make the JWT authentication secure.

Run the server:

python3 run_tahelka.py

When the server is running, its swagger documentation can be accessed on http://[hostname]:5000/api/v1/

To run the client, you must have node.js installed with npm bundled. You can download from the below link:


You will need angular CLI to run the development of Web-Client:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Navigate to the web client folder and install dependencies:

cd web
cd web-client
npm install

Run the Web Client:

ng serve

The web client can be accessed on:
